Tuesday 24 November 2020

Jurassic Games

A film which only gets 3/10 on IMDb. Is it true that any film with dinosaurs wins over Michael? Possibly. 


This is the most derivative film since spy hard, but that was enjoyable and so is this, the surprise hit of the marathon so far.

This is battle royale with dinosaurs. Ten condemned prisoners, sans stone cold this time, are sent into a virtual reality game. Them vs each other vs dinosaurs. If you die in the game, an immediate sentence of execution by lethal injection is carried out. One guy is naturally innocent. Drama ensues. Amusingly by making the capital punishment reality TV link more forced it actually works better here than in the condemned. Another element that works is replacing Vinnie Jones with s young teenage girl. The early moment when the damsal in distress trope reveals herself as the big bad was quite well done.

For all that it is cheaply done some segments, such as an escape from raptors in a maze, are quite effectively shot. The end is a rushed bloodbath, and some of the cannon fodder is a bit stereotyped. But the film is engaging enough, and the finale plus the subtle suggestion that justice is incredibly fast tracked in this world, gives it an extra kick. Not a five star classic but a surprisingly decent monster flick.

PS a triceratops dies. I know this is a trigger warning for some of you. Even virtual reality dinosaurs are only acting as natural, its in humanity you find the darkness.


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