Friday, 22 December 2017

Some Musings on the Dead (2017)

If 2017 couldn’t (cross fingers) live up to the rampant terror of 2016, that’s only because nothing could. Muhammad Ali, David Bowie and Terry Wogan could only die once, after all. 2017, however, tried to follow this with quantity. In the days when I thought I’d have time to write my annual In Memoriam, the list had reached over 700 noteworthy people before I gave up the ghost. 

In particular this year the Reaper seems to have had it in for my childhood personally. So farewell Paddington, Cleggy, Batman, Siegfried Farnon, lots of Doctor Who alumni, etc. As I became ludicrously busy this year, I ran out of time to do my usual obits, and whilst the long read versions are the most popular, I felt it unkind and morbid to cherry pick a list. And, besides, anyone knows I could write 4000 words on why John Hurt was great. We know these things to be self-evident. A good 400-500 words on why we should spare a thought for, say, Jan Pruitt, matters just as much, if not more.

Monday, 20 November 2017

List of Survivor Series Match Endurance Times (1987-2017)

Here is an updated list of Survivor Series match endurance times from 1987 to 2017. It contains results from last night, so spoilers.

Guide - (SURVIVOR if winner of match), Name, (year of event), length of time in match

1.       SURVIVOR – Bray, Randy Orton (16) 52.55
2.       Roman Reigns (16) 52.55
3.       Seth Rollins (16) 46.00

Sunday, 19 November 2017

25 Years of Moonbase Propaganda

25 Years of Moonbase Propaganda

Michael S. Collins

Some of you, reading this, when asked about their favourite Doctor Who story, will say The Caves of Androzani or The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

You are really boring. 

Just kidding. You’re awesome. Keep up the good work.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Royal Rumble history (part 2)


Naturally after a once in a lifetime event like the 1992 Royal Rumble, you want to tease that it might happen again. That you've caught lightning in that bottle. So it should come as no surprise to fans of drama that Ric Flair started off the 1993 version. "He survived the hour last year" said Bobby Heenan, slightly confidently but this time, Flair was to get nowhere near that. He was even to see his longevity record smashed by the least likely competitor.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Royal Rumble history (part 1)

We're a fortnight away from the Royal Rumble match, of which long term readers of this page might recall I am a slight fan.


The match itself is much like The Five Doctors anniversary special of Doctor Who. Super fans may point to the performances of Antonio Cesaro for work rate (translation: "gravitas") or those of John Cena for the showbiz glare, but really, the best fun to be had is when you have a big old get together with a decent dose of nostalgia.