Saturday, 20 January 2018

Recommended 70s Films

    List created for Gav Mills in 2017. He wanted a list of good films from the 1970s with only a snippet of what they are about. No plot twists or synopsis, just teasers. So, here they are.

     Patton: “No one won a won by dying for their country, they won it by making some other bastard die for his!” – biopic of US’s biggest WW2 general, played by George C Scott, who won the Oscar and then refused it.

WWF No Way Out 2001 (crib notes)

1. Raven v Big Show 

- This was Raven’s 10th Hardcore title reign.

- This was then Raven’s 11th hardcore title reign… of 27

The Rescue: A Ghost Story for Christmas

Let me tell you about a writer I adore. M.R. James, once provost of Eton, legitimate world expert on Biblical scholarship, and editor of Le Fanu’s work. 

Goldberg's Undefeated Streak (from debut to the world title)

 Goldberg's Undefeated Streak (from debut to the world title)

I was never much a fan of Goldberg. Probably because I was a massive Hart Family mark, and so always linked him to Bret Hart’s career ending.