Michael Bond
One day, a few years ago, Michael Bond was on a train, he
says, when he overheard two elderly women talking about him. “Oh that Michael
Bond was great.” Said one, and he admits he felt a burst of pride. “Shame he
died years ago.” Said the second, and any swelling of ego was swiftly deflated.
His ability to tell such stories with a wink and a nod shows that even at
eighty-six, one of our finest children’s authors still has it. In the creation
of Paddington Bear, Bond provided the 20th Century with one of its finest, its
loveliest, and its culturally important icons.
Michael Bond was born in 1926, the same year Gustav Stresemann
won the Nobel Peace Prize, and Stanley Baldwin declared martial law over the
General Strike. He was born in Reading,
which has a Premiership football club now, but in those days had to settle for
being on the River Thames, and having a train link to London that terminated at
Paddington station. Funny, that. He survived this tumultuous year to be born
in, and later survived the Blitz, and war service, to grow up to be a seemingly
mild mannered young writer sell odd bits to various sources from 1945 onwards,
as well as working as a camera operator for the BBC. He’d been suggested
several times to write for children, by people who could spot talent when they
saw it, but had never considered until a chance meeting that changed his life.
A chance meeting with a stuffed toy.
Bond explains in his biography:
"I bought a small toy bear on Christmas Eve 1956. I saw it left on a shelf in a London store and felt sorry for it. I took it home as a present for my wife Brenda and named it Paddington as we were living near Paddington Station at the time. I wrote some stories about the bear, more for fun than with the idea of having them published. After ten days, I found that I had a book on my hands. It wasn’t written specifically for children, but I think I put into it the kind things I liked reading about when I was young."
Write what you know. Write what you love. Just write and see
what happens. Within the space of one anecdote, Bond presents three useful
mantras for young writers. Which sums up the brilliance of Michael Bond, to
entertain and educate within the same syllables is no easy feat. I’m also glad
to know I’m not the only adult in existence that sees the sole teddy bear left
in a shop and feels bad for it.
A Bear Called Paddington was published in 1958. It was a
sensation, which still holds up as well today as it did on publication. Like
subsequent tales, it manages to describe the adventures of a refugee Andean
Bear from Darkest Peru and its reactions to life in modern MacMillan Britain in
a way that is both gripping and wonderfully humorous. The Michael Bond stand
in, Mr Brown, acts as a great foil against the intelligent but naive and easily
befuddled bear, as does the ever-frustrated Mr Curry act with great trepidation
as the permanently put upon straight man, Hyacinth Bucket three decades early
and with an ego as swiftly deflated.
“The great advantage of having a bear as a central character”,
says Bond “is that he can combine the innocence of a child with the
sophistication of an adult.” One of the earliest Paddington stories, A Bear in
Hot Water, remains possibly my favourite, as he attempts to have a bath, which
as we all know is a tricky operation at the best of times, and more so if you’ve
never seen one before. The results are typical Paddington, and Mandy might
jokingly add here that his declaration “never to want one of those again” at
the end is a mantra I took too easily to heart growing up. Heh.
The Paddington books would live forever if they were merely
great children’s books. They are that, but so much more. For the tenancy at the
heart of the novels, and the series, is of charity and love, and a beloved children’s
series that preaches both of those is worth so much more in my eyes. They exist
from the very beginning, as the Browns find Paddington at the station that
names him. The nametag on his blue duffel coat, which reads the legend: “Please
look after this Bear”. What marks out Mr and Mrs Brown as the books human
heroes, and ours, is that they do. The parallels existed at the time between
World War evacuees and the bear, as much as they do now between the bear and
asylum seekers. The exotic other appears in need and the characters group round
to help it. That’s a brilliant message to give to our children, and all the
more powerful for Michael Bond not realising his books could be read in that
light, so the message is not hammered over the head of the readers.
When Bond came to realise the modern significance and
reading people were given to his creation, it would have been easy for him to
back away from it slowly. But that has never been his style. He took it head on
and cherished it. When writing his second last Paddington novel in 2007*, Here
and Now, Bond said in an interview with the Guardian:
"I think it's quite good not to sweep it under the
carpet," he said. According to Bond, there's no duty for writers to
explore difficult subjects, but authors should be "aware of them, and
aware that life isn't easy for someone who's left their country and can't go
Paddington "hasn't changed at all", but the new
stories "reflect life as it is", Bond said. "It is a very
different world to the world of the original book. I think life was much more
settled then."
Guardian 11th December 2007
*Second last at time of writing, as Bond has just finished a
new Paddington novel, and claims the lovable bear may have a few more hits in
him yet. Long may they continue!
The ideas don’t just stop at the bear himself though.
Nicholas Lezzard noted a few years before in the same paper that: “it is nice
that Bond took the trouble to introduce Mr Gruber, the kindly, courteous
Hungarian antique-shop owner, representative of the displaced wartime
immigrants whom Bond came to know when working for the BBC Monitoring Service.”
His book series earned a television spin off, with a genius
pastiche of Singin’ in the Rain a highlight, but you can buy Paddington everything’s
these days.
Not merely content to be a symbol of charity within his
novels, Paddington is now the symbol of charity in real life, having been the
mascot of Action Medical Research since 1976. Bond’s involvement with the
charity has raised millions of pounds worth of aid to help babies and young
children in desperate need.
We so rarely see a children’s icon, which promotes the
ancient rights of persecuted peoples to come to this land, that it is right to
champion it when it comes along. Bond admits he hadn’t considered that reading
of his loved character when he devised it, but he fully endorses it as a reading.
Anyone can write a ripping yarn if they put their mind to
it. To do that, and create a character which promotes love and charity, and all
that is good in society, while poking fun at all the stupidity of red tape and
egos and the like, is wonderful. To use that character to help in real life,
and to write and become active within the charities though is a different beast
all together. Paddington Bear and Michael Bond. They’re pretty much inseparable.
Both have done the world a great deal of good.
At a mere fifty-four years and eighty-six years
respectively, may they do the world a great good for many more years to come.
Judith Kerr
“I really did have this dream when I was nine or 10 years
old. It was very odd, because I knew all about Hitler and what was going on,
but I also used to have fears that he was hiding behind the curtain in the
lavatory. As a child, you can think of a thing in two different ways at the
same time, and I'm not sure it doesn't happen to you as an adult, too, if
you're very frightened. The other reality is, if anything, more frightening.”
A fine writer who is now a supportive mother and grandmother
to other writers (“who write corkers” she says), Judith Kerr continues to write
novels for children even to this day. Like Bond, she is of the highest rank of children’s
writer, both fun and important.
When Kerr was a child, her family had to escape from the
Nazis. A family friend she remembered, who thought he would be safe as his only
connection by blood to the Jews was a grandmother he never met, was later killed.
A choice of which cuddly toy to bring on the flight to France and later England
spurned the title of her autobiographical tale of childhood, When Hitler Stole
Pink Rabbit. The author of the Mog books, and countless other children’s
novels, and the widow and guiding force of Nigel Kneale, Judith Kerr is still
writing in her ninetieth year.
All great children’s writers have one classic to their name.
Judith Kerr has not only Pink Rabbit, but also the entire Mog series and the
wonderful The Tiger Who Came to Tea. She was a writer who worked for the Red
Cross, and writing had run in her family: not only had her dad been a well-respected
writer in Germany before they had to flee, but her daughter is aiming to take
up writing as a career also. Like Bond, she has an OBE for children’s writing,
but combines it with Holocaust education. Like Bond, she manages to juggle
great works of writing with great feats of charity.
The Tiger, a story that seems ageless but was born in 1968,
is the ideal story of a human like tiger whose success has now transformed into
plays and memorabilia, as well as several foreign language translations.
"Judith has created a totally feasible unfeasible
experience, the juxtaposition of two realities in a way that would be
impossible in our world. The result is both very funny and slightly
Michael Rosen (a man who knows a thing or two about children’s
Her survival was of a traumatic childhood: her dad, even
before the escape, had bodyguards in case of a Nazi assassination plot, and
later had trouble finding work, tragically ending his life; her mother, wound
up a translator at the Nurnberg trials; and her brother Michael was imprisoned
during the World War as a friendly enemy alien. Even now, Kerr recounts her
child hardships with nary a bitterness in the world, which makes one almost
over awed.
Mog the cat, the forgetful cat, remained a children’s
favourite until Kerr killed him off for good in 2002. It was important, she
felt, to convey how to deal with the tragic loss of a loved pet to younger
She is a lady who came a long way in her life, and continues
to teach with all her wise words and books.
Writing is as much as tool for learning as it is for
entertaining. When we combine both, we have the legends. These two were just
two of my favourites who combined both.
I started this series in a more jovial tone. To ease the
reader in. Next time, we get a bit darker and edgier, but for all the right
reasons, as we focus on one ordinary man in a horrific situation who did more
than almost anyone could have, and is rightfully loved worldwide in his old
age. And a woman, sadly passed on since I came to think of this series, who is
for my money one of the most inspirational, brave and couragous people who ever
lived. Till next time!
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