Sunday, 31 January 2021

Rumble predicts

 As my attempts to predict the Rumbles were so popular last year (read - 2 or 3 people clicked like...) here's my attempts to predict/book the 2021 ones, based on, well, a little bit of current storyline and a whole lot of wishful thinking...

And WWE completely changed their plans and announced the first two in the mens, not the womens, so this from 3 days ago is already out of date!

Womens Rumble

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Royal Rumble History (part 3)

 Part 1


Part 2



OK, so I said look forward to Part 3 in 2017. When you become a parent, time speeds up…




The road to WrestleMania XV should have been a simple one.

M.R. James wordcounts

 For ease of reference, this is the assorted word counts of M.R. James ghost stories in descending order. (With best wishes to Darroll Pardoe, who we just learned died on Thursday there...)

1.     Mr Humphreys and his Inheritance 10, 852 words

2.     Residence at Whitminster 10, 140

3.     Casting the Runes 8853

4.     Whistle 7984